This is created from a bunch of sources. You may notice that some of it comes from the other How To. I have tested this many times and it works great!
Doug Kersten
If you haven't already done so add user mogilefsd:
adduser mogilefsd
mkdir /etc/mogilefs
cd /etc/mogilefs
Apt-get install subversion
svn checkout
now you have the code.
apt-get install liblinux-aio-perl
apt-get install libbsd-resource-perl
apt-get install libcompress-zlib-perl
apt-get install libnet-netmask-perl
apt-get install libio-stringy-perl
apt-get install libwww-perl
perl -MCPAN -e shell;
Answer default to all questions until you get to the location information and then choose your country and then your default ftp site.
at the > prompt do this:
install X::Y
Do this with the following:
install Danga::Socket
install DBI
Where X::Y is the name of the missing module. You may have to do this several
Install PerlBal
Mkdir /etc/perlbal
cd /etc/perlbal
svn checkout
cd /etc/perlbal/trunk
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Install MogileFS (mogilefsd and mogstored)
cd /etc/mogilefs/trunk/server
perl Makefile.PL
make install
now as root
mkdir /var/mogdata/dev1
As you add more devices add more of these directories
Now for the interesting part.
Install Mogadm (Mogile Utilities):
cd /etc/mogilefs/trunk/utils
perl Makefile.PL
make install
You should have mysql installed. I'm going to assume you do.
Using phpadmin create a mog user (mog_user)
create a password for mog user (mogpass)
Grant access to remote user by doing:
$> mysql -u root -prootpassword
$> GRANT usage ON . to (put the correct user/domain(source) here)
$> IDENTIFIED BY 'mogpassword';
/etc/init.d/mysql restart
Automatically create a database for the mogilefs:
cd etc/mogilefs/trunk/server
vi mogdbsetup
edit the following:
dbhost => "localhost",
dbname => "mogilefs",
dbrootuser => "root",
dbrootpass => "root_password",
dbuser => "mog_user",
dbpass => "mogpass",
save and run /etc/mogilefs/trunk/server/mogdbsetup
you will be asked a series of questions. Answer yes to them all.
The mogilefs database should be created. Check in phpmyadmin to verify.
Remove the id and password information when you are finished from mogdbsetup.
YOU MUST DO THIS it solves errors about lib path when running mogadm are solved by the following:
Do this - to set up go to the /etc/mogilefs/trunk/api/perl directory and do
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install (assuming all goes well).
You may have to cpan install something based on the errors from perl Makefile.PL.
Install Mogilefs utils:
cd /etc/mogilefs/trunk/utils
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Configure Mogstored:
On each storage server, create a configuration file at /etc/mogilefs/mogstored.conf with the following:
Startup Mogstored:
open a putty session as root and type mogstored. Mogstored should start.
Configure MogileFS:
edit the bold areas of the mogilefsd.conf file:
cp /etc/mogilefs/trunk/server/conf/mogilefsd.conf /etc/mogilefs/mogilefsd.conf
#daemonize = 1
db_dsn = DBI:mysql:mogilefs:host=
db_user = mog_user
db_pass = dbpass
conf_port = 7001
listener_jobs = 10
delete_jobs = 1
replicate_jobs = 5
mog_root = var/mogdata
reaper_jobs = 1
launch new putty session ( I use putty:
for my ssh sessions to the server.).
login as mogilefsd
at the command prompt run mogilefsd
Use 'mogadm' to add each storage server to the database.
The following example would add the host as a storage server, assuming that had an IP address of (listening on port 7500) and your tracker had an IP address of (listening on port 6001):
# mogadm --lib=/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 --trackers= host add mogilestorage --ip= --port=7500 --status=alive
You can confirm that your host(s) were added with the following command;
# mogadm --lib=/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 --trackers= host list
You also need to add devices for each storage host. If you don't provide a device id mogadm is supposed to do it for you... in practice I find it dies with an error, so you will need to manually add a unique device id after the host:
# mogadm --lib=/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 --trackers= device add mogilestorage 1
Finally, add the correctly-name device (folder) to each storage host. I have been unable to get the tools to handle this well, so I am probably doing something wrong. As a workaround, I used the modadm device list command to see what device names were assigned and then I added the folders to my storage hosts. Run the following command:
# mogadm --lib=/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 --trackers= device list
It will list each host and the device name followed by its status and storage available. Here is example output:
mogilestorage 1: alive
used(G) free(G) total(G)
dev1: alive 0.892 67.772 68.664
This means "mogilestorage" has a host id of "1" and it has one device named "dev1" on it and that device is in the "alive" state (your other statistics will probably be zeros). Using the example output above, you would simply create the directory on
You can also test using mogadm:
mogadm -–trackers= check
use mogadm to add the host:
mogadm --trackers= host add host1
mogadm --trackers= domain add storage
and class:
mogadm --trackers= class add storage files.
Go into phpmyadmin, open the hosts table and change the host status to alive and add a device with device id 1, host id 1 and status = alive in the device table.
mogadm -–trackers= device add device1 1
and mark the device alive
mogadm -–trackers= device mark host1,cin 1 alive
check your devices:
mogadm -–trackers= device list
Check it out:
mogadm -–trackers= check
If everything checks out ok you will see the following:
Checking trackers... ... OK
Checking hosts...
1 host1 ... OK
Checking devices...
host device size(G) used(G) free(G) use%
1 dev1 138.236 0.143 138.094 0.10%
total: 138.236 0.143 138.094 0.10%
Once everything is working you can daemonize mogilefsd:
edit the mogilefsd.conf file and remove the # in front of daemonize:
vi /etc/mogilefs/mogilefsd.conf
daemonize = 1
db_dsn = DBI:mysql:mogilefs:host=
db_user = mog_user
db_pass = dbpass
conf_port = 7001
listener_jobs = 10
delete_jobs = 1
replicate_jobs = 5
mog_root = var/mogdata
reaper_jobs = 1
To start mogstored as a daemon type:
mogstored -d
To test and see if it's mogstored that's messed up or something along
the way, try telnetting to your mogstored (port 7500 by default) and
doing this:
PUT /dev1/test HTTP/1.0
Content-length: 4
See if that creates the 'test' file in your /var/mogdata/dev1 directory.
If it works, good, if it doesn't, you should get back a 404/something with
a more detailed error message.
Now put a file onto mogstored via mogilefsd (tracker):
cd /etc
mogtool –-trackers= --domain=domainname –-class=classname inject motd motd
check /var/mogdata/dev1/0/000/000 for a file named xxxxxxxxxx.fid . If the file exists everything is successful.
Now delete the file:
mogtool –-trackers= --domain=domainname –-class=classname delete motd
check /var/mogdata/dev1/0/000/000 and the file should be gone.
It's all good!
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