Setting up the mogilefsd daemon(s)

mogilefsd configuration options.   I haven't seen really any great configuration or definition pages of configuration info, so I am pasting what I have found here so-far.  It isn't great by any means, anyone wanting to help clean up would be appreciated.


Sample MySQL Configuration file (small)


db_user mogile

db_pass some-password

conf_port 7001

listener_jobs 5

old_repl_compat 0

lib /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/

* you may need to change the lib path relative to your system 


Sample PgSQL Configuration file:


#daemonize = 1
db_dsn = DBI:Pg:dbname=mogilefs;host=
db_user = <your pg db user>
db_pass = <your pg db pass>
listen =
conf_port = 7001
listener_jobs = 10
delete_jobs = 1
replicate_jobs = 5
reaper_jobs = 1


Configuration info pulled out of the .  

                             'c|config=s'    => \$config,

                             's|skipconfig'  => \$skipconfig,

                             'd|debug+'      => \$cmdline{debug},

                             'D|daemonize'   => \$cmdline{daemonize},

                             'dsn=s'         => \$cmdline{db_dsn},

                             'dbuser=s'      => \$cmdline{db_user},

                             'dbpass:s'      => \$cmdline{db_pass},

                             'user=s'        => \$cmdline{user},

                             'r|mogroot=s'   => \$cmdline{mog_root},

                             'p|confport=i'  => \$cmdline{conf_port},

                             'l|listen=s@'   => \$cmdline{listen},

                             'w|workers=i'   => \$cmdline{query_jobs},

                             'no_http'       => \$cmdline{no_http},  # OLD, we just eat it to shut it up.

                             'workerport=i'  => \$dummy_workerport,  # eat it for backwards compat

                             'maxdiskage=i'  => \$cmdline{max_disk_age},

                             'minfreespace=i' => \$cmdline{min_free_space},

                             'default_mindevcount=i' => \$cmdline{default_mindevcount},

                             'node_timeout=i' => \$cmdline{node_timeout},

                             'pidfile=s'      => \$cmdline{pidfile},

                             'no_schema_check' => \$cmdline{no_schema_check},

                             'old_repl_compat=i' => \$cmdline{old_repl_compat},

                             'plugins=s@'        => \$cmdline{plugins},

                             'repl_use_get_port=i' => \$cmdline{repl_use_get_port},

                             'local_network=s' => \$cmdline{local_network},

                             'no_unreachable_tracking' => \$cmdline{no_unreachable_tracking},





Brad Fitzpatrick wrote: (assuming doc_root in mogilefsd isn't needed)

That's old, from back when MogileFS supported NFS.  You can ignore it or
delete it.

On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 9:40 AM, nightsailer <nightsailer at> wrote:

> Hi All:
> I'm confused by "doc_root" in mogilefsd.conf,
> What difference with "doc_root" in mogstored.conf?
> Thanks.
> Pan


-- configuration meanings on some items.

On Thu, 23 Oct 2008, Zubin wrote:
> /etc/mogilefs/mogilefs.conf

> listener_jobs 5
> delete_jobs = 1
> replicate_jobs = 5
> reaper_jobs = 1
> monitor_jobs = 1
> fsck_jobs = 1

These control the number of the various workers running... leave the last
3 at one, and tune the rest upward if necessary. ie; if deletes are
lagging, add more delete workers. if your requests aren't being processed
very fast, you might need more listeners (queryworkers).

> daemonize = 1

whether or not to background mogilefsd.

> mog_root = /mnt/mogilefs
